Veitslur og timburmenn, hjartasorgir og nýggjar byrjanir. Jazzygold er ein kvinna í tjúgunum, sum finnur vegin gjøgnum hæddir og læddir av ungdómi og avspeglar hetta í tónleikinum hjá sær.
Samleikin Jazzygold varð skaptur í januar 2023. Hon er elektrisk og nærverandi. Skrøppu tekstirnir og erliga framkoman gera teg negldan á staðnum.
Fimm stakløg eru útgivin higartil. Tað allarnýggjasta, “Homerun” er júst komið út, og The Line of Best Fit segði soleiðis um Jazzygold, tá hon hevði off-venue konsert í Tutl rundanum G! í summar:
- Star quality is abundant among the Faroese class of ’24 ( ... ) She has an outstanding voice, well suited to stand out from the crowded R&B / soul-pop field, and there’s a brassiness and honesty to her words that’s instantly appealing.
- Best of all is the as-yet-unreleased “Home Run”, a touching personal anthem drawing on the challenges she faced growing up as a woman of colour in the Faroes. Definitely one to watch.
Síðani Jazzygold varð fødd av nýggjum í fjør, hevur hon túrað í Noregi, Ongland, Ísland, Holland, og í hesi vikuni gongur leiðin til Eysturríki.
Á Skrapt í oktober kemur hon á pall saman við Vinjar Egilsnes Petersen á tangentar og Harald Fonsdal Johannesen á trummur.
Clash Magazine:
- Jazzygold, whose soulful numbers on 20-something life wowed everyone present. Pop-sheen with band-bite, Jazzygold’s sound was as far as you’d imagine coming from the Faroe’s but proved once again that if one thing is sure, the regional artists have no issue with keeping listeners guessing."
Euro News:
- Hailing from Tórshavn, the capital city of the Faroe Islands, Jazzygold is far from the Nordic hinterland vibe expected from a territory with barely five hours daily sunlight this time of year. Her R&B stylings, candid lyrics about love and loss, and commanding stage presence make Jazzygold feel like Faroe's answer to SZA.